Welcome to my website

I’m a 73-year-old retired person who enjoys doing artwork and writing stories.

El Paso Tales is a collection of stories told by migrants awaiting asylum status to enter the United States. The idea for these tales is based on The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer published around 1386CE. In Chaucer’s story, the tale tellers are a group of Christian pilgrims traveling together to visit the shrine of Thomas Becket in Canterbury, England. To occupy their time, they agree to a contest to tell the best story. The “pilgrims” in El Paso Tales are in pursuit of an equally desirable destination.

Following the example of such great daily cartoons as Tarzan, Terry and the Pirates, and Dick Tracy from the 1930s and ’40s, I’ll be posting daily panel rows from pages of my ongoing novel. Yesterday’s panel row is displayed above.

Click the following link to all three stories of El Paso Tales so far:

El Paso Tales

Other Graphic Novels

The PDFs of these graphic novels are free to download if you’re interested.

Analysis of Evil

In 1909 a local news reporter and a world-renowned bicycle racer collaborate with Doctor Carl Jung to solve the deaths of two high-profile residents of the city of Worcester, Massachusetts.

Dream Shadow

Two young indigenous men from different times discover their commonality in spite of living in different eras.

Pied Piper

A small-town cop discovers that his long-lost girlfriend has returned holding deep secrets about the nature of reality.

Trumpery 2025

Political cartoons covering the current occupant of the Whitehouse

Other Artwork



Boy on the Beach

Oil Paintings

Linda and Family

Watering the Horse